Does AI image generation have a real world use case?

Since 2022 and the release of generative AI like Stable Diffusion, AI-generated images have been a novelty above all else. As some have pointed out online, modern AI seems at times like a solution in search of a problem. Now, a couple years into this AI boom (or bubble), some patterns of usage have emerged….

Where credit is due

Over time, I have become increasingly opposed to the idea of intellectual property. It is something I have been thinking about for a while, but recent open questions related to generative AI have brought this to the forefront of my mind. In particular, what I have been thinking about recently is that what copyright law…

“AI ‘art’ is bad” is a bad argument

There are many good reasons to oppose AI generated images being disseminated or put forward as art. Nevertheless, one argument I see with surprising frequency is that the images generated by AI look bad. The biggest reason I think this is a bad argument is because it’s contingent upon current technological limitations. AI image generation…

I created a game using ChatGPT and AI-generated art

AI-assisted programming is a hot topic. I’ve even heard it said that traditional programming jobs will disappear completely, to be replaced by AI specialists. I don’t know how credible that hypothesis is, but AI is certainly an extremely useful tool for programming. Many common problems in programming are tedious for humans but easy for AI….

AI image generation using Stable Diffusion explained

This is a non-technical introduction intended for people who are unfamiliar with the topic. Stable Diffusion is an image generation process that begins with a seed number (usually randomly generated) that is used to create an image of random-looking noise. This image is then iteratively modified by a neural network according to a set of…