A response to Catholicism on “What is truth?”

The following question was asked on catholic.com: I got into a discussion about truth, and I had the opinion that there is only one Truth and that is God. So what is truth? Is it something we believe in completely, body and soul? Or is it something God reveals to us? How do we know…

I’m not entirely happy with the rise of the “nones”

Over the past decades in the United States, there has been a rise in the number of people claiming no religious affiliation, or “nones.” While this includes atheists and agnostics, these individuals are often distinguished from those who actively identify as such. “Nones” may be agnostic or atheist, but most have a theistic or deistic…

Intelligent design’s scope problem

Intelligent design (ID) is the position that life must have been designed by an intelligent creator and thus could not have evolved naturalistically. Setting aside all the positive evidence for naturalistic evolution, there is a glaring problem with the very idea of ID itself. Arguments for ID often take the form of comparing human-engineered mechanisms…

A response to Faithroots apologetics

Faithroots is a blog about theology and apologetics that posted “God in the dock: objections to his greatness and goodness (part 2)”. The post covers several arguments for and against the existence of God. It’s interesting to me for a couple reasons. For one, it appears to be a good faith effort to present the…

Medium-strength atheism

Atheism is sometimes divided into weak and strong forms. Weak atheism can be described as an absence of belief in any god, while strong atheism positively affirms a belief that there is no god. This is related to the distinction between agnostic and gnostic atheism, where agnostic atheism claims no knowledge about the existence of…

Creationists have their own research journal and it’s full of insane nonsense

To depart from Scripture at any point is neither safe nor right. Joubert 2012 p. 81 Answers in Genesis (AiG) is one of the two major young earth creationist (YEC) organizations in the world, the other being the Institute for Creation Research (ICR). Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry dedicated to enabling…

Gnostic apatheism

There is a common model of belief about god that places a person’s belief on a 2D plane with one axis for belief and another axis for knowledge. The vertical axis represents degree of belief in the existence of god. The horizontal axis represents the degree to which one claims to know that their belief…

Failure to understand the null hypothesis

This is an issue I see a lot in apologetics and in arguments about theism vs. atheism. Certain theists (who I will just refer to as “theists,” even though I’m not referring to all theists) want to be able to put forward the existence of god as a hypothesis that can be argued for or…

Video share: The Red Pill Lie

The Red Pill (TRP) incorporates the trappings of religious conservatism in a way that YouTuber DarkMatter2525 says is disingenuous. As opposed to Christian fundamentalists who may have sincerely held beliefs, TRPers are motivated by a desire for power and control in their relationships. … they don’t want women to be able to make a living…